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WARNING: Cigars are not a safe alternative to cigarettes.

Internal Reference Page

Style Board


h1 heading

h2 heading

h3 heading

h4 heading

h5 heading 
h6 heading

paragraph bold italic underlined




table example
row 1 col 2 col 3
row 2 col 2 col 3



New Product Content Entry Tip #1:


When creating a new product with the size variant, copy paste the above line, then press enter as follows:



New Product Content Entry Tip #2:

Make sure to enter the price before creating the variants as described above.
This will guarantee all generated variants have that price preset.


How do I add a new item to the Swisher Gear sidebar?

1. Your website will pull from all configured collections (and ignore the Cigarillos collection).

To create a new sidebar item, go to Shopify Admin > Products > Collections


2. Then create a new collection (typically an Automated collection with a condition that checks Product Type)

Where is the Shopify Customizer?

Go to Shopify Admin > Online Store > Themes


How do I edit/add a new event to the upcoming events page?

From the Shopify Customizer, navigate to the upcoming events page, as follows:




How do I fix the youtube thumbnail on the Past Events section?

From the Shopify Customizer, navigate to the Artist Project page, and select Past Events. Then select one of the content blocks to find these options:



How do I toggle the Coming Soon page on Swisher Gear?

From the Shopify Customizer, navigate Theme settings > Sitewide Settings:

Once toggled on, you can navigate to the Swisher Gear page to edit the title text and optionally some body content